Brr Protocol | Launch Details

The liquidity will be added on SushiSwap. 98.25 ETH (at current 1830$ price) will be paired with 180,000 $BRR. The listing price is 1$.
Presale participants will be able to claim their contribution on our dAPP before $BRR goes live.
To avoid bots, we have introduced smart daily limits (find more details here). The max buy/transfer will be set to 1% of the total supply and the max sell will be set to 0.5% (reset every 4 hours)
The NFTs prices table has been updated in the docs.

In order to purchase the higher tiers, the user has to upgrade and mint an additional NFT once the cooldown is over. The previous NFT is then burned and the user receives the higher tier one.
The APR and APY for each NFTs will be automatically calculated and displayed on our dapp (which is being updated). The Tier 6 NFT supply has been capped at 50 for now.
Reminder : APRs are subject to change as we will be monitoring closely the emissions in order to keep $BRR sustainable.
Taxes when selling $BRR :
3% on sells : If owning at least a tier 1 Scammer NFT.
30% on sells : If not owning any NFTs.
Transfers and buys are only affected by the smart daily limits, not by the ownership of NFTs like sells.
NFTs will be mintable on our dAPP using $BRR tokens.